Technology evolves at the speed of light. The need for passionate IT specialists is bigger than ever before. Passionate, is an important and valuable adjective that we always bear in mind while hiring new colleagues. This is why we’re somewhat picky, despite the omnipresent war on talent.
We’re looking for skilled software engineers with a passion for IT, technology and sustainable digital solutions. But far and foremost, we are looking for people who can relate to our mindset and work ethic.
Wondering if you and De Persgroep IT think alike? Keep on reading, get to know our key values and screening process, and find out if you and I can form a we. We only need to match 3 times!
Teamwork makes the dream work: 5 core values
Of course we want you to be highly skilled in software engineering and passionate about your job. But that’s what every IT company would want you to be. So let’s fast forward to what differentiates us.
You believe an ever-learning attitude is crucial in the art of software engineering? You value core principles that have stood the test of time? You think of software development as a collaborative exercise?
All right, we have a first match 🙌🏻
But how do we make the teamwork to dream work?
5 core values we share:
Ownership on all levels
You dare to take initiative to solve a problem, make improvements, share knowledge or help others? Nice! We genuinely appreciate responsibility, ownership and accountability on all levels. Our aversion to finger pointing and blaming is equally genuine.
Let’s share knowledge
You’re happy to share your knowledge with colleagues and other teams, and re-inject your gained expertise into the organization? Good, we should always be able to continue our mission.
A little humility never hurt nobody
Besides sharing knowledge, you’re also eager to learn from others and don’t consider yourself to be a know-it-all? Cool! No one is omniscient or infallible, not even Superman.
You know when to admit you’re wrong and listen in order to understand what’s really going on. A little humility never hurt nobody ;)
Dare to speak up and communicate
No communication, No teamwork. At De Persgroep IT we believe communication should happen in a team, between teams, up and down the “chain of command”. Do you agree? Great! A successful collaboration starts with yourself: ask for help and advice, but offer the same things in return. Are you having concerns or do you disagree on a matter? Dare to speak up 🙋🏼
We trust and respect you
You put your trust in your colleagues and acknowledge their competence? Excellent, every good relationship is based on trust and respect. When giving feedback or debating problems and solutions, you’re always respectful and open for input from others. An equal voice in a safe environment. Exit bullying and intimidation 🙅🏻
The you in our 5 core values is really YOU?
Cool, we have second match 👊🏻
Now let’s dive into our screening process and find out if there’s a final match!
Screening process: a job at De Persgroep IT in 4 steps
Upfront coding exercise
We start with a coding exercise, which you can do at home in your spare time. You don’t want pressure as an uninvited guest in your performance. Stress is not part of our screening process and we want you to be proud of your submitted solution.
Of course, the difficulty of the test depends on the profile and related experience we’re looking for. The exercise allows us to:
- Gain insight in your way of thinking
- Evaluate your coding skills
- Have a meaningful conversation about coding practices
Interview: the Company Check
The coding exercise is the perfect starter for your conversation with us. Because we believe two people can learn more about you than one, we always interview in pair (expert and coach). We’ll go into a variety of topics to check your skills.
Note: it’s not an IT buzzword bingo, it’s okay not to know. Rather than questioning you on the latest API’s or frameworks, we’ll try to assess both your technical skills as your mindset. When you convince both the expert as the coach, you’ve passed our Company Check.
We always give feedback, no matter the outcome of the interview. We inform you on how we experienced the interview, our impressions of you as a person and how we assessed your technical skills. This is not a one-way street: we’re also eager to learn how you experienced the interview and how we can improve ourselves.
Team Check
After a positive Company Check you get the chance to meet our team, even work together and estimate whether there’s a “click”. How does it work?
You’ll meet a delegation of the team. Some teams interview, others try and find common hobbies, geek stuff they all love. Sometimes you’ll even code together, up to a whole day!
Is it a GO for you and the team? You’re hired!
You like the way we hire passionate people?
Nice, we have a final and third match!
Ready to start? Please contact and discover our open vacancies.
Finding and hiring that next great colleague is teamwork and a work of teams. We’re always improving ourselves, also in this process. We love to learn while doing so, challenge us!